Monday, February 20, 2012

the weekend in pictures

Sunday means I take the dog for a walk.

then a stop at the cenote.

And Monday means the maid came and we played Settlers.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

hot water

We have 2 tanks to heat water. We have hot water in the recamera (back) shower, the kitchen sink, the front bathroom sink and front bathroom. Both bathrooms run off their own 7L tank. When the tank runs out, it is cold shower time until the tank has been refilled (couple day process). We keep thinking about a large-capacity nonportable tank but have never really gotten around to it. Maybe someday.

When I was working with Sissy on her schoolwork yesterday it really hit me that I am really going to miss that next year and maybe I shouldn't be encouraging school. I know she really misses having a friend and interaction with other kids but man, I'm going to miss doing grammar and literature, etc. with her, and I know her English education at school will definitely be lacking.

I really need to get Pike back on track for the PSAT. He visited Ellen's school the other day and said it was a school he would have loved to have gone to. Sissy hated it and Jesse calls it the "hippy school." Guess Pike and Ellen are a lot more alike than just looks. The two look like twins in their baby pictures.

We're all battling some form of gripe and I didn't even run, bike or swim yesterday. I hardly worked. I did, however, totally clean up the front upstairs and now we just need to go through books and toys of the girls. I'd like to make that a screen room of some type up there.

Monday, February 13, 2012

the best part of waking up...

I got really tired of paying for Hopalog and decided to pop over to Blogger for a while. I'll have to add up my costs for and see what I'm paying on a yearly basis to decide whether I want to go back or not.Link

I really, Really, REALLY fell off the blogging bandwagon. It just doesn't seem like there is enough time in the day, but since I started this whole thing as a chronicle for the kids, it also doesn't seem right to just stop. But then again, it is just mundane stuff, even though it is in a different country, it is just the same with more or less red tape/hassle than the US, depending on what you're doing. So it is difficult to figure out what to post. But I know the grandparents would appreciate it.

One of the last things i think about at night is a cup of coffee in the morning. I have no idea why. I guess maybe I'm seriously addicted, but I really do just like the taste of a cup of black joe. So I sang him the little jingle. Jesse is off to school this morning but the other 3 are in bed. Ellen is still sick enough to stay home (and she loves school, so that's saying a lot) and the maid comes today! So 2 things to look forward to, maid and coffee. That's pretty much enough for me. We got a norte come in the last couple days and it was cold enough that Jamie magnanimously decided we could do without AC last night. That's HUGE for him and it was lovely for me. I hate that damn AC but do enjoy the work it does sometimes.

OMG the MAID is here! The maid is here! the maid is here. I honestly think, with a husband who is in charge of the palapa but doesn't think cleaning is part of his job description, she has saved the marriage. Well, close.