Saturday, November 20, 2004


Woke really late (8:30 central) and actually woke the kids up as they could have slept longer.  had breakfast in the hotel restaurant (kids ate free but it was still $20 for the 6 of us).  Sausage was deep fried (??!!), potatoes were deep fried (???!!!)),  and I think they would have deep fried the coffee (Folgers, of course) if they could have.  Kids have adjourned to the pool; it is 11am and they are still swimming.  They made friends with a family of 3 boys and I’m watching them while their parents stink up the (indoor) pool area with smoke.  We found the green.  As we passed into Wisconsin (La Crosse) we found emerald green fields.  First green of the trip.  I think it is safe to put the sunglasses away; we haven’t needed them since we spent a couple hours in western Utah.  It has been threatening rain all day but so far, no rain.  We’re heading towards Oshkosh on route 21 and it is rather scenic.  Lots of river and waterway; some hills; quaint little towns (though they would look much more quaint in anyt other season).  the wind in Minnesota was fierce and bitter cold.  Fuel prices have also increased; we spent 2.07 for diesel in Minnesota and here in Wisconsin it is up to 2.17.  I’d had hopes it would continue to decrease and maybe closer to a large town it will.  We left the Holiday Inn (smokehouse) about 11:45 and will be getting into Neenah rather late - after 5pm, I’d guess.

Pikey has been enjoying "The Theif Lord" and this afternoon we listened to "Henry and Beezus".  Starting late has made for a long day in the car.  I thought it would be an even tradeoff, but today’s late start and 350 miles feels much longer than yesterday’s early start and 460 miles.  It is 4:45; we still have a good 45 mintues or more left to the day and
it is dark.

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