Saturday, July 22, 2006

news not so good

Well, I HAD typhoid, but that is on the wane. I was already recovering from it by the time I had my blood work. Now I have abnormal (low) white blood cell count (should be high due to infection), low leukocytes and bilirubin in my urine. So, it is no wonder I’m tired all the time! I go back on Monday for a hepatitis and HIV test, but the Typhoid medicine has gotten rid of the month (or more) of horrid, painful, liquid shit. I’m back to simple diarrhea! If you have any ideas of other test I should take, feel free, but now, I’m so happy to simply being almost over typhoid and be able to stay awake for more than an hour at a time to care.

I’ve uploaded pictures from Jamie and the kids trip on the teleferico (I was at the Centro de Salud) and pictures from the museum today. This is one of the most impressive collections of world art I’ve ever seen. Egypt, China, Thailand, Japan, Mexico (from pre-hispanic to colonial Spanish art to the art of the collector), India, I’m not sure I can remember all the countries that different salas were dedicated to. The building itself was a marvel; first a convent then a jail, finally in 1985 (I think) it was restored after being abandoned for quite a while. We saw drawings and paintings from Chagall to Picasso to pre-hispanic and Mayan cultures. What a wealth and range. I looked all over town for the bullring come Hotel that is supposed to be so pretty, but the rains began in earnest and we picnicked in the car, watching rivers of rain flow over the cobbles. My stamina is increasing and tomorrow I hope we can do more exploring. I’m really beginning to love Zacatecas, but Guanajuato still has my heart. It is impossible NOT to love Zacatecas; it is simply, honestly, overwhelmingly, assuredly, wholeheartedly and naturally beautiful.

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