Friday, May 20, 2005

Oh My Goodness!!!

The day after I got the site up and running, the registrar locked the domain and refunded my payment suspecting fraud. I have no phone (WE TRAVEL IN AN RV IN MEXICO) and the domain registration request came from Mexico while our mail forwarding (address) is South Dakota. Now, to anyone who full-times, this makes absolute, perfect sense. How could you do anything differently?

Well, the folks at GoDaddy were not pleased. They demanded I fax or email them a copy of my driver’s license. In the states, that would be pretty simple. Here in Paa Mul, not so much. Telephone lines down here in camp (not an abnormal event) so, as we were headed to a bay down the coast, I figured we would fax from Tulum. I figured wrong.

We spent hot hours in which Ellen was stung by an army of red ants and Jamie found chocolate filled croissants. We did not, however, find a FAX machine that could send a FAX to the phone number we were given in the states for the GoDaddy fraud department.

Luckilly, I have a pretty savvy Daddy of my own, we’ll call him YOU-GO-BOY-Daddy, and he just this minute registered the domain for me. You GO Daddy! Seriously, I can’t thank him enough.
My contacts are about dried out and I’m using all the electricity in PaaMul to post this, so it is off to bed with me, but fear not, dear reader, I will have ALL of the morrow to delight and disgust you with amazing drivel.

Oh and pictures too.

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