We’ve been heavy into negotiations with the boys and finding and
paying off all the Sugar Sprite requests by the kids. The boys
negotiated $9 for their stash (after they ate what they wanted the night
of Halloween and the morning after) and the girls kept bagging up
requests and leaving them in odd places for the Sugar Sprite. I think
next year we’ll have to introduce the idea of one big gift (or something
like that) as they are bleeding me dry. Sissy and Ellen both got about
$5. Ellen remembered the Sugar Sprite a few weeks ago and started
taking the chocolate chips out of her homemade granola bars and leaving
them for the Sugar Sprite. Since she and Jesse really wig out on sugar,
their combined love of all things CASH has helped with the sugar roller
coaster of All Hallows Eve.
To back up a bit, yes, we’re still in Neenah. As a matter of fact,
still at the Days Inn. Maca has been unexpectedly living with Grandma
Elinor and Grandma Elinor has been very sick pretty much since we
arrived. So we’re trying to help Elinor with Maca’s doctor appointments
and simply getting her out of the house.
Monday (I think?) turned out to be a wonderfully warm and beautiful
day and we met a wonderful family at the local park. They had an 11yo,
9yo, 7yo, 2yo and 8mo and their three eldest had a lovely time with our
2-3 eldest. Sissy alternated between pouting she couldn’t play with
them and hanging out on the perimeter of their play. The mom, Amy, is
an amazing soul; she was so patient and loving with her kids; a real
inspiration. The 2yo was such a typical 2yo, frustrated and excited all
at the same time; he really reminded me of the boys at that age. I
must confess more than a little bit of babylust. They homeschool and the
boys found out that they are “Democrats”. In all the political
discussions we’ve had, we’ve never discussed parties; simply ideas and
values. These kids support George Bush, according to the boys, and I
was really proud that they were able to put that behind them. They are
so rabidly anti-Bush that I have been worried about their black and
white stance. As much as Jamie and I hate what he has done to our
country, we try to discuss (the little
) humanity that must exist inside him with the boys. Anyway, they
really took to the kids and I was not the least bit surprised to find
out they are homeschooled also.
The children have been falling, one by one, from a respiratory
illness, but we’ve kept it to a couple days of sickness with liberal
doses of raw garlic. Ellen got food poisoning from the hotel breakfast
the day of Halloween and was far too sick to go trick or treating. Her
siblings bought her a Polly Pocket and shared their treats with her
(which she sold to the Sugar Sprite but honestly ate more than she sold
off) so she didn’t feel TOO bad.
With all the sickness of the kids, the concern about where Maca will
live and Grandma Elinor’s illness, we’ve decided to stay in Neenah at
least another week. If Elinor is better by the weekend, we’ll probably
leave next Wednesday, otherwise we’ll look to rent a home here until all
is under control. I’m really glad we could be here to help out. It
has been amazingly cold and the hotel is so nice for that; the kids were
trick or treating in 16 degrees (with windchill) and the highs this
week haven’t climbed out of the 30’s. Ugh. Today we will get snow if
it rains and snow is forecast for Saturday. I never imagined September
and October could be so cold.
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